Thursday, April 4, 2013

The journey has begun...

Last night I stepped over the edge...I submitted my first finished manuscript for publication.

It's a step I've been trying to take for a long while. I've always been a writer and always wanted to be an author. Over the years my writing style has changed (and hopefully improved!) as well as the content of those scribblings.

I can't say why, but I've always been drawn to the subject of romance. I've no quarrel with adventure, fantasy, science fiction, suspense and mystery, but only if, even in the tiniest portion, it incorporates romance. So that is what I write. Romance...with a heaping helping of paranormality and eroticism.

Why? Not a question worth answering. Why not? A much better choice. I'll tell you why not.

Because reality is what we do everyday. We go to work, wash dishes, vacuum, run errands, watch television, tuck children into bed, pay bills and the list goes on. Why write about something that everyone already lives and breathes on a regular basis? Reading is an escape into an alternate reality, where the impossible IS possible and all the things you wish could happen CAN happen.

Every child creates worlds and characters in their mind and lives out multiple fantasies through the years. Sadly, some of those children let those fantastic creations fade away and immerse themselves into the everyday drudgery of "real life". But some, far too few in my opinion, remain open to the possibility of more. It is for those people that I write. For those people (myself included) are the ones that need books, fiction books of all genres to feed the voracious appetite of a healthy imagination. They, no WE, need the escape those words provide in order to make the everyday normality a little easier to bear.

I love the fact that with imagination anything is possible. There is nothing that can't be done; anything, if it can be thought, can be. Imagination is the most powerful tool anyone can have but not enough choose to use it.

But I do. I have. And I will continue to do so. Even if in a few weeks a rejection email awaits in my inbox it won't be the end of my story. I'll send it somewhere else, and somewhere else. Then I'll look into self-publishing if I must because I know that even if only one person reads what I've written and is able to escape that it will be worth it.

In the meantime I will continue to write, for I have more stories and not enough time to get them all out of my head. Everyone should have something, or many things! that help them exercise their imagination.

Reading and writing are two of mine. What are yours?

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